Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Okay-almost 2 months late on my birthday spotlight!
Rachel at 2.
Weighs about 24lbs.
Can usually be found on the kitchen table, eating other kids' leftovers, markers or erasers off pencils.
Loves to color (on everything).
Still doesn't say "yes"--no can mean yes or no.
Very picky about clothes--swimsuits are a favorite--but its getting cold now (have to hide them). Spends lots of time switching outfits.
Favorite saying "I don't like________!" whatever-mommy, daddy, Lizzie, horses, beds, nap--whatever.
Cries when strangers talk to her.
Follows Lizzie everywhere.
Hates to be strapped in carseat.
Looks so much like Meg.
Loves to cuddle and be held.
She is our first two year old we have ever had without someone younger in the family. It has been fun being able to enjoy the two's.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween and Happy Birthday Elizabeth

First of all, the Princess turned four. FOUR!! I can't believe it. She kind of got the difference between her bday and Halloween this year, where last year she kind of thought the whole event was HER big celebration. It was a full day--first a 2 mile road race in the morning, then home for a bit finishing off putting together costumes, then soccer for Meg, then home for the birthday party, then costumes on, off to Trunk or treat at church, then off to real trick or treating. It was exhausting, but really fun.

We had an Indiana Jones (Michael), gypsy (Meg), Darth (Matthew) Luke Skywalker (Jon),
an angel (Lizzie), and Rachel was Snow White--really it was the only costume she would wear. It was a fight to get it on, and then a battle to get it off when it was all over. She is so stubborn in her two year old glory! She loved trick or treating--she lost all shyness when she figured out EVERYONE was giving out candy. She was eating out of her bag, wrappers and all, as we went.
Look at this sugar filled, happy girl looking for more!

Friday, October 9, 2009

technical difficulties

Can't get pictures to post!! Hope this will--trying to figure it out!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Little girls

Whisper, whisper, sister, sister...
It must have been a funny one...especially coming from someone who doesn't really talk!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Our little cutie turned two this week. She loved being the star and was so silly whenever anyone mentioned "birthday"! We had a little family party for her at home. None of the pictures turned out great--darn camera. I'm working on a Rachel spotlight.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Must be Fall!

We're definetely outside more often enjoying our 90's

Taking walks.

Playing soccer (Meg only)

Trying to learn the monkey bars-mostly dangling by one arm.
I'm not unpacking cooler weather clothes just yet, but maybe sometime soon! I love fall!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This and That

Today was SUSD's first early release day of the year (one per month). We were off to the park to burn 2 hours of energy that didn't get used up at school. It seems like maybe fall is around the corner. YAY YAY YAY!!!!

This is how Lizzie felt after a busy day at preschool on Tuesday-exhausted.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

On we go....

I'm not sure where I am with my 365, and I know I've missed a couple of days. I am trying to take a picture everyday. Posting is a different story--sometimes time or energy isn't there. So here are the last two days.
Did you know that Campbell's makes Princess Chicken Noodle for little princesses like this one? This one doesn't really even like soup...unless there are princess shaped noodles in it!
Look what we got! We've been looking for one for a longtime. There has been someone on it pretty much every minute that we have been home.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Trying to be a Big Kid!

Michael insisted that I take a picture of Rachel "playing" a video game--sure looks like it was fun!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Back Home

We had a great time on our trip. It was cool and rainy. I didn't bring enough warm stuff (who would think of it being so hot, here!) and didn't plan for all the mud, but other than that it was really fun. There were so many kids there for ours to play with and they loved being outside pretty much the whole time.

They always save the lodge for us--here are the monkeys swinging from bunk to bunk over a hard concrete, head-cracking floor.

Here is Rachel on that same bridge that I posted a picture of before we left--she wasn't born yet in that picture! Isn't she getting tall!?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Camping We Will Go...

We're off to Camp Lo Mia for our ward campout today. The kids are very excited.

About this picture....our first trip ever to Camp Lo Mia...about 1 month after Meg had her transplant. It was our first trip anywhere in a year. It was so fun and I love this picture-happy kids.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Clean Room

For the last year or so, we have major room cleans on Saturdays--meaning clean enough to vacumn the floor. We did this because there just didn't seem to be time in the evening to get the rooms clean, have baths, read, etc at bedtime. Toward the end of the week I would have to literally close the door...stuff everywhere...a tornado of junk. So when Saturday rolled around, everyone had ALOT of work to do and it took a long time! Just recently (during a Saturday room clean), Michael and Matthew decided that if they just do a little bit everyday, Saturdays would be much better days. So we are giving it a try. A quick clean up every night. Tonight, Meg's room was a disaster with clothes and toys all over the place. She went in there for about 2 minutes, came out carrying dirty clothes to the bathroom, and told me to go in an check it. Clearly, we have two different ideas of a clean room. Here she is after her first attempt. Didn't get the tantrum that followed on film.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Weekend in Review

Whew, what a long week--maybe it was the 110 degree heat. Picking up the kids after school was pretty much torture. Finally as the sun went down it was time for some "Jedi Training". Jon an Matthew like to set up little training courses for themselves to do their Jedi workouts. They let Liz and Rachel stand on it -only for the picture.
Saturday -the whole day of it- was spent at a friend's house cooking. We were trying one of those coop cooking days where we both make 3 dinners, double it, trade, then we both go home with 6 to put in the freezer. It was exhausting. Everytime we finished one we'd head straight into another. It took from about 10-4. I'll be happy to have them, I'm sure.
Sunday was restful, as always. After church, we watched some movies, played, read, napped, etc. We finally headed out after dinner for a walk to Chap. Park(by now kids were bouncing off walls=destroying house). While we were there Lizzie figured out how to "pump" the swing all by herself! She was happy to get herself going so high.
Crazy girl!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cub Scouts Can...

Jump rope!! Sort of, anyway. They were practing their "run throughs" here. :) Michael's first Pack meeting of this school year tonight. There was LOTS of energy there. They were happy to be back at it. He is in Webelos this year.

Swimming lessons...our only "sport" for the moment.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Here is our boy in time-out. He looks like he is really suffering, doesn't he? We have a couple of time out rules: 1.It has to be alone 2. No noise of any kind (recent addition because Jon likes to lay on the floor and kick the door with both feet to let us know he is really mad).

So here is Matthew serving his sentence--alone, and as silent as can be with a favorite book of Michael's that he always wants to read (Michael never lets him), but seeing how Michael can't be in the room right now (because of rule #1), sieze the moment, buddy!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Catch Up

These two wanted pictures of their feet! Not pictured, but right next to them--their dolls, blanket, pillows, baby strollers, all over the place. They love to drag out EVERYTHING!

Sunday nap--way too late--killed any chance of early bedtime. Day 9

We had no internet for a couple of days, but I took the pictures. This is Sat (Day8, I think). Despite the 105 degrees, these three are racing up and down the street on scooters, at noon.

Friday, August 21, 2009


We just sleep in our swim suits around here. I have to hide them from Rachel--whenever she sees one, she has to put it on and then its such a battle to take it off. So here she is tonight...good night little mermaid.

Big Sisters are For...

Getting sunscreen in your eye!!! No, I mean helping you put your sunscreen on. Meghan is the ultimate "mini mommy", always in charge, keeping everyone in line. She often is the 3rd and 4th hands that I wish that I had. Thankful for her.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

When the BIG kids are gone.....

As soon as we get in the door, Lizzie and Rachel run down the hall, straight into Meghan's room. The purple, pink, princess room is the popular spot for these two, with the Polly Pockets, hundreds of beanie babies, barbies, dress up clothes, 20+ pairs of shoes to try on and scatter about the house...and the greatest part... no one to yell "GET OUT!!!" Just perfect! And then at night, when I am putting Meg to bed and I am exasperated at her room, I make some comment about if she would just spend 5 minutes a day picking it up--she gives me her, famous "are you CRAZY??" look, and reminds me that this in not HER mess!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Busy Tooth Fairy

Here you see them....

Now you don't!! Where are you teeth Jon?

Here they are! Jon lost his first two teeth with the help of the dentist!! Very tough, brave boy, like all Jedi Warriors (serious Star Wars craze at our house)

Michael lost one on Monday...at school(FINALLY) The kid has been trying to lose one at school for 5 years because there you get a plastic tooth holder, shaped like a tooth, to wear around your neck the whole day...very highly coveted Kiva teeth.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Celebration Bedtime

What's going on in this picture? Let me tell you...sometimes when a day is finally at its end, Dave turns on an oldie clip from You Tube for the kids to watch while they brush. Here they are watching a clip of an old Pink Panther movie. They LOVE this occasional treat!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Big Girl

Day 2
Miss Elizabeth started preschool this week. Here she is with our favorite teacher for 3 year olds. Matthew and Jon were in her class. We always told Lizzie that she would go to preschool when she was four...now that preschool has started she says she is four.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back to School

After a short, fast and FUN, summer, back to school they go. Not to much whining or nerves. Everyone has a good teacher and someone they know in class.
It was Jonathan's first day of kindergarten. This was a sad day for me...the first time I haven't had a little boy at home in 10 years!!! He was excited to go to the big kid's school! He wants to be called Jon (and therefore, write Jon on his papers--smart boy) He still has to get used to the going everyday part of school, instead of the every other day of preschool, but he has the energy of 10 five year old boys, so its just a matter of time.
When Michael started Kindgarten, Jonathan was 8 months old. I remember him spitting up all over my shirt while we were at the storytime they have a couple of days before school starts. I remember lugging him, sleeping everyday, up the long sidewalk, Meg and Matt in tow, to pick Michael up at lunch time (back in half day kindergarten days)
Anyway, in honor of that "where did the time go" feeling that I have had this week, I am going to try that Project 365 that I have seen on other blogs...to take a picture everyday, FOR A YEAR. Then next year we can look here to see where the time went!! Taking them won't be such a challenge, but posting them is another story. I'm going to give a try!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Matthew Colin Barney

This is Matthew on the last day of school with his 1st grade teacher.

Matthew is seven!! He had a swim party with some of his favorite first grade buddies. His birthdays always remind me about his real birthday--the day he was born. His was an especially memorable birth. First, he was due on June 20th. I finally went into labor on the evening of the 25th. I wanted to stay home as long as possible before going to the hospital. I remember walking around the block around 10pm with the dog and being sooo hot! Finally, around midnight we went and found out I was at 8cm. It really hadn't gotten that bad yet. We hung around with little contractions here and there...they kept offering an epidural, but I thought if I was already at an 8 and it was this easy...no need! In the wee hours of the morning my Dr. came in broke my water AND started pitocin. Then there was no more fun or relaxing. Then I really wanted an epidural, but the Dr. was in surgery (UGH!). It was crazy,and I was screaming. Finally at 6am, on June 26th he was born....9lbs! He had and has an enormous head. With my next three, I asked for the epidural ASAP whether anything hurt or not!!

Matthew at 7!
Crazy about dinosaurs.
Ask questions not stop and will not accept a simple, no thought answer.
Loves reading--sometimes I have to make him stop to go out to play.
Loves scripture stories.
Doesn't like scary movies at all.
Sweet, happy personality---such a great smile.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rachel at 20 months

The long neglected blog....I decided to do an update on Rachel who all the sudden seems so big!! She definetly has a toddlerish attitude with lots of pouty looks and tantrums. She is still so sweet and cuddly--when she isn't on the floor screaming.

Favorite words
No (can mean yes or no)
Baby- loves to see herself in the mirror and say baby or show me any baby we happe to see
I want more!!

She must be a budding artist because she is crazy about markers. She has drawn on walls, dolls, carpet, furniture, lots of homework papers. Her favorite thing to do though, is to draw on herself...ugh! See?!

Everyone else is doing great. School is out tomorrow! They are excited! Matthew is a little sad because he just loves his teacher. They had "move up day" today where they met their new teacher and class for next year. Jon finished last week. Our last thing to wrap up is Michael's baseball. His playoffs start Friday. We have a week or so then to just relax until swimming starts.

Here are some pictures of the kids last week while we had a little rain. They love umbellas! This little storm gave us some nice, cool weather for a couple of days-so nice for May!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Birthday Boy

He's 10!!!!!!!!
What a lovely 10 years it has been.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bats and Balls

So lately, when I open just about any of our Suburban, baseballs come rolling out, bats come crashing down, and water bottles with lids sort of on sort of off drop and with a splash. The boys can't even fathom the thought of leaving one of these balls that has found its way underneath someone's car, so we are always chasing them. Almost always the balls in my car are ones that they have found. In Dave's van he keeps a big bucket of about 80 balls. So if we own 80...why do we worry about these ones that we find??? They say because those 80 are Dad's and these are THEIRS!!

So baseball and softball has kept us busy. It seems less hectic this year, but busy. Maybe it is easier because I'm not pregnant (2years ago), or with a little baby in tow. I have to say my 2 big babies are a handful at the games, but it has been fun. Meg has 1 game left, Matthew and Jon have about 5, and Michael goes all the way through May.
Did you know that all the softball stuff comes in pink and purple. Michael could believe it...pink bats???