Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back to School

After a short, fast and FUN, summer, back to school they go. Not to much whining or nerves. Everyone has a good teacher and someone they know in class.
It was Jonathan's first day of kindergarten. This was a sad day for me...the first time I haven't had a little boy at home in 10 years!!! He was excited to go to the big kid's school! He wants to be called Jon (and therefore, write Jon on his papers--smart boy) He still has to get used to the going everyday part of school, instead of the every other day of preschool, but he has the energy of 10 five year old boys, so its just a matter of time.
When Michael started Kindgarten, Jonathan was 8 months old. I remember him spitting up all over my shirt while we were at the storytime they have a couple of days before school starts. I remember lugging him, sleeping everyday, up the long sidewalk, Meg and Matt in tow, to pick Michael up at lunch time (back in half day kindergarten days)
Anyway, in honor of that "where did the time go" feeling that I have had this week, I am going to try that Project 365 that I have seen on other take a picture everyday, FOR A YEAR. Then next year we can look here to see where the time went!! Taking them won't be such a challenge, but posting them is another story. I'm going to give a try!!

1 comment:

karen said...

We really miss you guys. Sara wanted to know why she couldn't go to school with the cousins. How much fun that would be but it would take some of the specialness of the summers away so I guess we'll just enjoy our special summers for now.

Good luck with the 365. I look forward to seeing the posted pictures. :)