Wednesday, August 19, 2009

When the BIG kids are gone.....

As soon as we get in the door, Lizzie and Rachel run down the hall, straight into Meghan's room. The purple, pink, princess room is the popular spot for these two, with the Polly Pockets, hundreds of beanie babies, barbies, dress up clothes, 20+ pairs of shoes to try on and scatter about the house...and the greatest part... no one to yell "GET OUT!!!" Just perfect! And then at night, when I am putting Meg to bed and I am exasperated at her room, I make some comment about if she would just spend 5 minutes a day picking it up--she gives me her, famous "are you CRAZY??" look, and reminds me that this in not HER mess!!!


karen said...

I love it! Rachel's smile is just priceless. Such a little elf!

LucyH said...

I finally have your blog saved! Sorry it took so long but now I will stay updated. It's funny, I keep seeing stories of younger siblings running straight to the older siblings rooms as soon as they are gone. That is so funny!