Monday, May 5, 2014

Short Haircut for Lizzie girl
 Hard to believe the end of school is right around the corner. I've decided that having kids in school puts me in a time warp...time seeming to move fast and slow at different times. We just finished track this week for Matt and Meg in middle school and Michael just tonight found out he didn't qualify for the state meet..bummer but he's just a frosh and there's plenty of time. Surprise of season...Meg's favorite event was the 400m! She started with the mile and didn't think it was that fun..imagine that. All three did great, but we are kind of excited to come home right after school to eat popsicles and watch Arthur.
Rachel played soccer and did running club this year. She enjoyed both as long as it wasn't too hot. She is extremely competitive, reminiscent of Meghan, who we are reluctant to play even a board game with, for fear of the fireworks that come with a loss. Rachel's little soccer team lost all but one and that one was a tie.
Rachel in running club fun run

 Despite my insisting that they weren't keeping score, she was and doesn't want to play anymore games because she doesn't want to lose...will just let it rest for awhile :0
Lizzie came home one day toying with the idea of cutting her hair shorter. Three days later she was begging to get it done. We love it!

 Jonnie boy had his Pinewood Derby as a new Webelos. He had a great car that he and Dave worked at. Dave couldn't be at the race. My fear always is that the car will be to heavy. Guess what, too heavy by a full ounce! So there we were trying to drill out an ounce out of the body, right up until start time. Then he got entered as a Bear. Oh well, not our night, but a great car for sure.

Jon with Night Train

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