Monday, February 9, 2009

Meghan's Month

This month has been filled with Meghan Happenings...first her birthday. Then on Jan 31st she was baptized. This special event happens after a childs 8th bday in our church. She had a lot of family and friends there supporting her. It was a great day.
Then, finally, last Friday (ignore the fact it was 3 weeks after the real bday), we had her friend birthday--with a movie star theme. We had 12, 8year old girls, lots of younger sibs, our house many never be the same!!
And then on a final note, Meghan had her first softball game on Saturday. Her team is the Pink Panthers...despite their uniforms being blue and orange?? They were very cute. I was too busy trying to keep Rachel from killing herself on the bleachers to take any pictures. Her game tonight got rained out. Hopefully next Sat. we'll get some pictures.
Have to include a picture of the brothers clean and dressed up!


Jeff, Mandy and Kids! said...

That's so awesome! Give Meghan a hug for us! The boys look so cute all cleaned up! I can appreciate the moment of cleanliness, that seems so hard to keep going with boys! I swear we do so much laundry because of them! We're slowly getting better, it seems the cold season has really been a bad one here this year. Hope you all are doing well!

karen said...

Happy month Meg! What fun to be a movie star!