Friday, September 19, 2008

Rachel Walks

I have tried putting this on a couple of times now...always unsuccessfully. Here I go again. She has been walking for about a month now. This is at Camp Lo Mia where we had our ward campout. The video is in the lodge where we stayed. Last year we were there about 2 weeks before Rachel was born. Needless to say I mostly sat around in the lodge. This year we did a lot of hiking, and the kids did the zip line, built rockets, swam in a swimming hole, etc. We had a few injuries this year- Jon had a very weird looking bite on his thigh that looked like a bruise that started peeling (spent about 4 hours in the PCH emergency room getting this checked out) , Lizzie fell of a bench and cut her head open, and Meghan fell running down a hill and got a huge bruise over her new kidney. So far it still seems to be okay!! Over all it was a great trip. The weather was great and it is so nice to let the kids just run free with all the other kids up there. We are always so glad to be able to go.


karen said...

So exciting! Sara and George said that they want the cousins to come to their house to play and Rachel can walk here. I'm not sure they grasp the distance.

Unknown said...

Hey Tracy!!!!! THANK YOU for sending me your link. I can't wait to start reading about your mom/dad adventures regularly!!!!! Your kids are so beautiful and this blog is great!! Did Jon get bit by a spider? How totally great about Megs "win!!!" She deserves it!!! I 'll be in touch!
Love, Kathy