Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What's a Boy to do on a Rainy Day?

Jon invented this little game the other day when he was stuck inside because of the rain. He scooted it all over the house. It seems like it has been raining so much lately...good for our sprouting garden, but bad for playing outside. There are few places that we get BIG mud puddles in our backyard. This is a favorite activity of course, to go out there, drag all the dump trucks, bulldozers, etc, and dig away (making these problems even deeper!!). But then I end up with a huge pile of muddy clothes that have to be hosed off before being put in the washer. No time for that today Jon, keep that basket moving.

....Lots of wrapping done tonight as we got all the goods out to make sure there was equality among all. We really want to try to get it done before tomorrow night. It looks like I'll have to head to Grandma's ...see you in the morning Mom (not too early)!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We're Still Here

It has been almost a month since I've written here! I'll just start where I left off....Thanksgiving.

We did the 2mile fun run at the Turkey Trot in Mesa. Michael, Meghan, Matthew and Jon all ran the whole way. The first mile was slightly uphill. It felt a bit more that "slight" to me as I pushed our triple jogging stoller loaded down with Lizzie, Rachel, water bottle, jackets, etc. Dave has a delicate calf muscle that just can deal with pushing jogging stollers..hmmm...how convienient to have a strong, sturdy wife to handle this.

Then, that weekend, we planted a garden. We have vegetables sprouting all over the place. They aren't exactly in the nice, neat rows that we planned, but everyone planted something, and seeds ended up just about everywhere. I won't be suprised if carrots start growing out of our lawn.

Then we said goodbye to a long soccer season. All three kiddos were excited about their end of the year trophies. Meghan got selected to play on the All Star game, but we had a big snow/Christmas tree cutting down expedition planned with Dave's brother Rob and his family. We haven't done this for awhile...since Meg was on dialysis, then the next year had just had had her transplant, then last year Rachel was new... Michael, especially has been missing this tradition. Last year we PROMISED as we trudged around Target looking for the perfect tree, we would go to the mountains this year and chop one down with our own ax. So this past weekend, up we went to the White Mountains, into the snow, to look through the forest to look for a tree. No surprise...babies don't really like snow. Rachel cried most of the time unless we carried her, and by the end everyone was crying (except for Michael-who must have a high tolerance for frozen feet), because they were "ssssooo ccoolldd." They all took turns chop,chop,chopping. And then, in our rush to get wet clothes off, and warm dry ones on, we left our trusty ax right on the side of the snow road. Dave says we'll go back and get it next year....

She wasn't crying EVERY second!

The sleds were a hit!

And here's the tree!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pinecone Turkeys

One of the MANY things that I am thankful for this year is that I have a few more years of these coming my way.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Running and Meg's Fall Festival

In the crazy pace of yesterday, with the two big events falling on an always busy Friday, I forgot my camera on both occasions--AMAZING!!
Yesterday, was Meghan's second grade Fall Festival. She had a couple of lines that she has been practicing about Christopher Columbus and his holiday that we celebrate after "Lumber Day." I have heard her practice this in the car as she sat behind me for about a month now, always saying Lumber Day, and I would gently correct..Labor Day. I gave up a week or so ago, thinking that Lumber Day is sort of cute anyway. Yesterday, she marched right up there, took the mic and said everything perfectly--including Labor Day. She is so confident, she always amazes me.

Then after school, we rushed home, quickly changed into running clothes and headed out in the lovely Friday afternoon traffic to Gilbert, where we ran the Gilbert Days 1 mile fun run. Michael and Meg ran about 9:15, and Matthew and Jonathan ran about 10:30. There were so many little kids out there running. I ran with Matthew and Jon almost to the finish, and told them to keep going, and that I'd meet them on the other side. They reached for each others hand and held them together all the way through. They were so cute, and OH, was I wishing for that camera.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Not a great picture, but so typical of Matthew and Jonathan. They are sitting in our big sandbox, but instead of spreading out, they are right next to each other. Matthew has sparked Jon's interest in dinosaurs, so here they are making a dinosaur volcano. These two are such good friends most of the time. They are constantly rolling around in a wrestling heap, usually one or the other getting hurt by the end, which never seems to deter them from jumping right back in next time. Jonathan has finally recovered from Matthew leaving to Kindergarten last year. I love watching them play.
Notice the bathing suits? Still able to be in the water/sand at 4pm, in mid -November. Still warm days.
I can't believe it has been this long since the last post here. We are full speed with school, soccer and running club. I thing soccer is over in about 3 weeks. I'm looking forward to some slower afternoons, and of course CHRISTMAS!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Halloween really is so fun, isn't it? The getting ready for it this year was busy. Matthew, our dinosaur fanatic, of course wanted to be a dinosaur. I looked EVERYWHERE for one in his size, but the biggest I could find was a 4T. I tried to talk him into many other options, but he wouldn't budge. I found a penguin pattern that I sewed into a dinosaur over the course of two nights (really-all night). I haven't sewn anything for about 4 years, and am very much a beginner. I bet Matthew had 15-20 safety pins holding that thing together as he trick or treated.

So...Michael was an army man, Meg, an angel, Jon was Zorro, Rachel was flower only long enough to take a picture. She couldn't stand the costume on. And then Cinderella and T-Rex. They were so excited.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Elizabeth!!!

Uh, oh...Cinderella has dirty feet!! Where are those glass slippers??
There they are. Doesn't she really look like Cinderella?

Lizzie has been planning her "Cinderella Birthday", as she has been calling it, for months. How lucky to have your birthday on Halloween and to get to dress up in a costume! She had a party with Grandma and Grandpa, Granner, and all of the girls on Dave's team came dressed as princesses-so cute. Then off the our ward's Trunk or Treat (more on Halloween tomorrow).
Hard to believe she is 3! I had to dig out her baby stuff because I couldn't remember the time of her birth.. which was 3:07pm. It reminded me that I went into the hospital at 10pm on Oct 30, to be induced (because Meg on dialysis, Dave's nationals on our due date). After starting pitocin at about 11pm, it seemed like labor was taking forever. I remember my nurse finding Dave a quiet place so he could "get some sleep"--what!?! Finally she came, many hours later and I was SO tired! She was fiesty from the moment of birth, to now. She certainly keeps me on my toes. She has such a happy smile. I feel so lucky to be her Mama.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Report Cards

Hooray to school age Barney children. They just finished their first quarter which is so funny, because it seems like school just started back-maybe because its still feels like summer here. All three got great report cards. I have to brag about my big guy for a minute...Michael is in fourth grade this year, which happens to be the first year that they use letter grades in our district. When I first heard this, I have to admit I cringed a little. Those O,S+,S they use in grades 1-3, always leave me a bit unsure of the meaning (is this good, or just okay...), but there is no guessing with letter grades. Michael probably wouldn't say that school is easy. He is a little smarty, but he would much rather be home, and playing than studying, reading, etc. This year I have noticed that he has seemed a bit more responsible for getting his papers done at home, knowing when test are, and wanting to well in them, etc. Long story short, Michael got all A's on his report card. I am so excited for him. What a huge confidence booster and payoff for a lot of hard work. We are proud of you Michael!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

On Sleep....

Lately with our Elizabeth, we just can't win in the sleep department. She is at that age where she still needs a nap, but if it is too late, or too long, she is still up at 11pm. A month or so ago she decided she didn't want her paci anymore. They started getting holes in them. They were all kind of old so I bought some more, thinking they were kind of worn out getting sucked to death. Well, wouldn't you know it...the new ones got holes in them too, because she was trying to chew the nipple off!! I know that she should have given up the paci long ago, but those that know her and her high maitenance personality, can attest to the need of some calm in her life. Anyway, so gone were the pacis, and unfortunately, gone were the naps. She would do fine until about 3pm. when she would turn into a crying whirlwind that would keep on spinning through soccer, homework, dinner, bath, etc. right on into bed. She did go to bed at about 7pm instead of 10pm, but the screaming wasn't worth. So like any desperate mother would do...I bought 2 new PINK pacis for my almost 3 year old and MADE her use them. How could she resist pink? And so far she isn't biting them. Naps are back!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Busy, Busy

Soccer has started. Michael, Meghan, and Matthew are playing. I really try not to overschedule us, but just with soccer there are five separate practices to go to and three games each Saturday. When Dave is available to help it goes very smoothly, but when it is just me driving all 6 kiddos here and there, dropping off, picking up...arriving home with everyone starving and dinner still to cook...hectic doesn't even begin to describe it. Last week was rough, but this week were getting back into our sports routine with crock pot dinners, etc. It has helped that no one has really had any homework this week, I think because it is the end of the quarter. It feels like it is starting to cool off which makes those afternoon practices so much nicer. Fall break is next week and maybe it will really FEEL like Fall! I love Arizona this time of year.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Our Baby is ONE!!!

Happy Birthday Rachel Emma!! I just can't believe she is a year old. I can't believe that last year at this time I was in the hosptial having a baby! Her first year has just flown by. She is funny, noisy, happy, so beautiful and has such a sweet spirit. I feel so lucky to be her mommy. We had a family party tonight for Rachel with the traditional messy cake- she loved it! Lizzie was not so happy that all the commotion and most especially the presents were not for her. One more month, Cinderella, and you'll get your day.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Rachel Walks

I have tried putting this on a couple of times now...always unsuccessfully. Here I go again. She has been walking for about a month now. This is at Camp Lo Mia where we had our ward campout. The video is in the lodge where we stayed. Last year we were there about 2 weeks before Rachel was born. Needless to say I mostly sat around in the lodge. This year we did a lot of hiking, and the kids did the zip line, built rockets, swam in a swimming hole, etc. We had a few injuries this year- Jon had a very weird looking bite on his thigh that looked like a bruise that started peeling (spent about 4 hours in the PCH emergency room getting this checked out) , Lizzie fell of a bench and cut her head open, and Meghan fell running down a hill and got a huge bruise over her new kidney. So far it still seems to be okay!! Over all it was a great trip. The weather was great and it is so nice to let the kids just run free with all the other kids up there. We are always so glad to be able to go.

Barneys in DC

A few months ago Meghan entered a drawing contest put on by the American Kidney Fund where 13 winners(have to pediatric kidney patients) would have their pictures published as part of their yearly calendar. In May we found out that Meg was one of these winners...she was so excited. Besides having her drawing in the calendar, she and a parent got an all expense paid trip to Washington DC. We decided Dave would go, and we bought a ticket for Michael, thinking he was old enough to enjoy the sights. They went last weekend, a quick Thursday - Saturday trip. They had a blast. They did a lot of touring, went to several museums, and saw the famous things to see there. Dave survived a weekend alone with his oldest two, despite having to do hair (Meg), medicine, (also Meg), endure all day bickering and other small details of kid life he doesn't usually attend to.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fun at ATC

We just finished two weeks at Dave's running camp. I say "we", but it was really Dave up there working hard for about 20 hours a day. Michael stayed up there the whole time. The rest of us made two trips up there to enjoy the cool weather of Pinetop. I can say with certainty that single parenthood is for the birds and I am glad to have my parter back to manage this crazy bunch of ours. Daytime is never too bad, but bedtime is exhausting when we are away from home--none of them ever want to go to bed!! Anyway, we are happy to be home and that camp is over for 2008!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

First day of school, Aug 07, and last day May 08

Last Day of School!!

This year just flew by! Now we have a fourth grader (Michael), second grader (Meghan), and a first grader (Matthew). They are all excited for summer. I am excited to have them home and have a break from the hectic and usually frantic school and sports schedule. We are doing swimming, but that is just for something to do and will be very low key. We can't be totally free and without a plan because that means CHAOS, and that is never fun for me-the kids actually love chaos!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Easter Picture

This is my first time doing this...blogging thing. This blog is most definetly under construction.