Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Clean Room

For the last year or so, we have major room cleans on Saturdays--meaning clean enough to vacumn the floor. We did this because there just didn't seem to be time in the evening to get the rooms clean, have baths, read, etc at bedtime. Toward the end of the week I would have to literally close the door...stuff everywhere...a tornado of junk. So when Saturday rolled around, everyone had ALOT of work to do and it took a long time! Just recently (during a Saturday room clean), Michael and Matthew decided that if they just do a little bit everyday, Saturdays would be much better days. So we are giving it a try. A quick clean up every night. Tonight, Meg's room was a disaster with clothes and toys all over the place. She went in there for about 2 minutes, came out carrying dirty clothes to the bathroom, and told me to go in an check it. Clearly, we have two different ideas of a clean room. Here she is after her first attempt. Didn't get the tantrum that followed on film.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

A clean room......NOT