Thursday, September 10, 2009

Back Home

We had a great time on our trip. It was cool and rainy. I didn't bring enough warm stuff (who would think of it being so hot, here!) and didn't plan for all the mud, but other than that it was really fun. There were so many kids there for ours to play with and they loved being outside pretty much the whole time.

They always save the lodge for us--here are the monkeys swinging from bunk to bunk over a hard concrete, head-cracking floor.

Here is Rachel on that same bridge that I posted a picture of before we left--she wasn't born yet in that picture! Isn't she getting tall!?


karen said...

I love the photo of Rachel! S & G want to know if the cousins got to roast marshmellows and want to know if we can go camping next summer. I told them we'd try to work it out.

The Carpenter Family said...

How fun!! Love all those fun pictures!!