Saturday, July 13, 2013

Summer is flying right by...Rachel has lost another tooth since this picture was taken. Running camp is going on right now. We all spent about 4 days up there last week. It was fun to be in Pinetop in the cooler weather where the kids can play outside all day, but it is always exhausting to be at camp--to bed late and up early. Dave took the four oldest up a couple days early while he set up so I only had Lizzie and Rachel home for about three days. It was so weird! I didn't know what to cook for the three of us! The house stayed clean and there was barely any laundry to do.

We've driven up and down to Pinetop three times now--one more trip than planned because I didn't take enough medicine for Meg. Lizzie loves listening to the radio while we drive. So when a song comes on that she loves ( like every other one), she wants to tell me, in every detail why she loves it so much. Her carseat is two rows back from me in the van, so I have to turn the radio way down to hear and talk with her. By the time she's done with her explanation and we turn up the volume, the song is just about over.  Funny girl. This drives Rachel crazy--she just wants to listen.

One other thing to put down in things to remember this summer. Michael ran 12 miles on Friday--he did the big Sunrise Run the campers do at the ski resort on the last morning of camp.  I knew he was going to run a little bit of it, but I never thought he'd do the whole thing...starts at 8000ft and ends at almost 11000. This was the furthest he has ever run by 5 miles. He's tough, no doubt about it.

1 comment:

LucyH said...

Hey! Good to see you are blogging again! I love to catch up with your family and how grown up they are all getting! It's funny because I have been thinking about you guys lately and wondering when Coach is going to throw a big PVCC reunion! That would be so fun to see everyone again. Maybe I will just have to come and visit your family sometime. :)